Natural Remedies to Keep You Healthy
Getting sick is awful. It disrupts your routine and affects every sphere of your life. But, there is truth in the old adage, “Prevention is the best medicine.” Here are some natural remedies that may prevent you from getting sick.
1. Acupuncture:
Acupuncture is a type of alternative medicine common in China that stimulates the flow of lymph in your body, regulating your body’s processes of your body and fending off illness. It may help prevent diseases and illnesses like sinusitis, arthritis, colds, infections, flu and much more. Acupuncture is administered by pushing thin needles into certain pressure points of your body. Search for professional clinics in your area. Some gyms and massage parlors also offer acupuncture services to their customers.

2. Rebounding:
Rebounding is a safe, easy exercise that may keep you from getting sick. It is cheap, time efficient and convenient. To perform this exercise, just buy a small trampoline and jump on it a few times after you wake up. Deep breathing and a few gentle bounces are more than enough to circulate oxygen toward your tissues and remove harmful acids from your body.
3. Epsom Salt Bath:
A detox bath with Epsom salt is a great way to prevent the common cold. For Epsom salt detox bath, run a bath of warm water and add one cup of Epsom salt and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Lavender essential oil is a great choice trying to purify and cleanse your body. For better and more effective results, you can also add a little ground ginger and baking soda to your bath, too. This bath will help your body get rid of harmful toxins and provide overall health to your body. This bath will also help cleanse your thyroid, kidney, and liver.

4. Juicing:
Healthy juicing is another way to detox your body and get rid of the toxins that make you sick. To keep your immune system going and working efficiently, it needs a regular boost of minerals and vitamins. This is easy to do with the help of juicing. Pack your juices with any combination of the following ingredients:
· Apples
· Carrots
· Oranges
· Grapefruit
· Tomato
· Kale
· Turmeric
· Celery
· Beet
· Strawberry
· Mango
· Ginger
· Kiwi
· Watermelon
· Mint
· Pumpkin seed
· Spinach
· Lettuce
· Chia seeds
Play around with these ingredients to find tasty combinations that you prefer. These ingredients are rich in minerals like iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, folate, folic acid, fatty acids and vitamins like A, B6, C and E.
5. Herbal teas:
There is nothing easier than an herbal tea to keep your immune system going. Drink herbal teas after meals to help prevent illness. Some recommended herbal teas for fighting disease and illness are jasmine, mint, lemongrass, cinnamon, and ginger. These herbal teas contain anti-oxidants, which have anti-inflammatory properties. They also boost lymph flow and eliminate toxins.
No one likes getting sick. Before you reach for your medicine cabinet or take a trip to the drugstore, try a few of these natural remedies to keep your immune system fighting for you!
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Love and Gratitude,
Amanda Surratt, BS, CECP, CBCP, CHLC, CPBNC, CTS